Courtesy Holdredge Collection, San Francisco Library History Center, San Francisco Public Library

This site is dedicated to accurate presentation of the life of Mary Ellen Pleasant, called the "Mother of Civil Rights in California" and to presenting her life and times accurately. We also support the work of scholar/ performer Susheel Bibbs, who (after uncovering lost letters, interviews, and memoirs related to Pleasant) has re-researched Pleasant's life and is presenting it accurately for the first time! Learn more about her at

Please Note:
To buy the MEET MARY PLEASANT DVD, click the "Our Shop" tab. Donations to films are tax deductible

This page links you to Bibbs' tapes, DVDs, her book on Pleasant (Heritage of Power), which also explains Pleasant's indigenous religion -- Vodou (Voodoo), and her presentations on Pleasant nationwide. You may also read a detailed story of Pleasant's life with photos.

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